Do you apologize to much?


Do you apologize too much?

“Oops, sorry about that.”

How many times have you heard this or even said it yourself? Sometimes, especially as teens, we screw up. It’s hard not to. Mistakes are not intentional but it seems to always happen. How many mistakes can you have until you’re pushing the limit?

“I didn’t mean it.”

Of course, you did not but it happened regardless. We try cover up our mistakes and our wrongs and we think two words will make it all right. However, it really doesn’t. It’s inevitable that we will have to say it again. Nevertheless, when it is the same thing repeatedly, it is no longer unintentional and a lousy “sorry” will not cover it. The overuse of the word “ sorry” takes away the meaning it’s supposed to have.

“My bad.”

Your wrongs belong to you and that is the point. Our burdens are ours. In the real world, beyond high school, it won’t be as simple. An apology will not cover it. That will not be enough to save you from trouble. Even though we can’t avoid it, we can control how we fix it. We must be responsible. Take control of our actions.

    We have to think about what we do before we do it. We must work through a problem in order to solve it. We must take the right approach to a conflict. We can’t be reckless because one day, someone won’t accept an apology.  It won’t be an easy fix. Which is why must do what we can now.

    It is not easy to avoid not messing up and realistically, you cannot. It is always going to be an accident and somehow you will feel it may not be your fault even when it is. But you must take responsibility for your actions. They are your actions.

“I’m sorry”

This should not be the statement you say daily or the story of your life. The outcomes in life are so much greater when you take responsibility for your own actions. So if we take caution and care about what happens in our lives there won’t be a need for an apology. It’s time for us to take a stand and be able to say,

“I’m not sorry.”